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Opting Traffic Through Social Bookmarking

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Almost all webmasters would recommend social bookmarking as a place to manjaring traffic to our blog or website. Yuril themselves could not agree with this, some visitors of this blog comes from several social bookmarking I follow like twitter, face book, delicious, and stumbleuppon.

Then from where we can traffic through this social bookmarking ????? her answers are from members / other user specific social bookmarking visit our profile page, if there are at our profile links or links that we bookmark url, then the other user clicks on and finally came to our blog! for it was the first thing you should do when it first after you joined to one of social bookmarking is the mark / bookmarking the page or site, or blog url and usahaakan give us a very interesting description of the crowd's attention.

Then if the above way is enough ????? of course not, anything else that you need to do to get the traffic to our blog is also to visit another user, do I add a friendship with friend or something, visit blogs or other user sites, comment, send messages (even many users using strategies send a message to many users to invite other users to visit their blogs), and give rating to other user blog (if there are functions rating). this needs to be done because another user typically will perform remuneration for what you do. for example you visit another user blogs so that other users will repay a visit to your blog!

other than that you recommended to join groups that have a lot of members, and participate in discussions in the group.

actually a lot more other strategies to capture traffic through social bookmarking, even you may find a new strategy! for the exploration of all the functions available on a social bookmarking website, the longer you learn more and more strategies and new functions that will be found.

Below is a social bookmarking address I recommend:

1. BlogCatalog
2. Facebook
3. Digg
4. MyBloglog
5. StumbleUpon
6. Technorati
7. Twitter
8. MySpace
9. Reddit

And There are many more social bookmarking you can follow!


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